Automated installation via the shell script .homeinstall

There is a shell script in (.homeinstall/ that will install Hubzilla and its dependencies on a fresh installation of Debian stable. It should work on similar Linux systems, but your results may vary.


The installation script was originally developed for a small hardware server behind your home router. However, it has been tested on several systems running Debian 9:

  • Home-PC (Debian-9.2-amd64) and Rapberry-Pi 3 (Rasbian = Debian 9.3)
    • Internet connection and router at home
    • Mini-PC / Raspi connected to the router
    • USB drive for backups
    • Fresh installation of Debian on your mini PC
    • Router with open ports 80 and 443 for your Debian

Overview of the installation steps

  1. apt-get install git
  2. mkdir -p /var/www/html
  3. cd /var/www/html
  4. git clone .
  5. nano .homeeinstall/hubzilla-config.txt
  6. cd .homeeinstall/
  7. ./
  8. Reload apache2 service
  9. Open your domain with a browser and go through the initial configuration of Hubzilla.