Apache with mod-rewrite enabled and ‘AllowOverride All’ so you can use a local .htaccess file. Some people have successfully used nginx and lighttpd. Example configuration scripts are available for these platforms in doc/install. Apache and nginx have the most support.
PHP 8.1 or higher. Note that in some shared hosting environments, the command line version of PHP may differ from the web server version
PHP command line access if register_argc_argv is set to true in the php.ini file and the hosting provider has no restrictions on the use of exec() and proc_open().
curl, gd (with at least jpeg and png support), pdo-mysql (or pdo-postgres), mbstring, zip and openssl extensions. The imagick extension is not required, but is recommended.
The xml extension is required if you want to use webdav.
Some kind of email server or email gateway so that PHP mail() works.
A supported database server. The supported databases are:
Mysql version 8.0.22 or higher
MariaDB version 10.4 or higher
PostgreSQL version 12 or higher
Ability to schedule jobs with cron.
Installation in a top-level domain or sub-domain (without directory/path component in the URL) is REQUIRED.