addon | Optional addons/plugins |
boot.php | Each process uses this to boot the application structure |
doc | Help files |
images | required images |
include | The ‘model’ in MVC - (back-end functions), also contains PHP ‘executables’ for background processing |
index.php | The front-end controller for web access |
install | Installation and upgrade files and DB schema |
library | Third-party modules (must be licence-compatible) |
mod | Control modules based on URL path names (e.g. http://sitename/foo loads mod/foo.php) |
mod/site/ | Site-specific mod overrides that are excluded from Git |
util | Translation tools, main database for English strings and other various utilities | | contains the current version (which is automatically updated via cron for the main repository and distributed via git) |
view | Theme and language files |
view/(css,js,img,php,tpl) | Standard theme files |
view/(en,it,es ...) | Language strings and resources |
view/theme/ | Single named themes that contain (css,js,img,php,tpl) overrides |