Create channels
Once you have created your account, you will be presented with the ‘Add Channel’ screen. Normally, your first channel will be one that represents you - so it's a good idea to use your own name (or a pseudonym) as your channel name. The channel name should be considered the title or short description of your channel. The ‘Choose a short nickname’ field is similar to a ‘Username’. With what you enter here, you create a channel address (also known as a ‘handle’ in Fediverse) that other people can use to connect to you and that you can use to log in to other websites. This address looks like an email address and has the form <nickname>@<your_hub>.
Note: In other Fediverse services, the handle is preceded by an ‘@’. With Hubzilla, this character must be omitted if you want to connect to another user or search for a handle, as an example.
You can create additional channels via the ‘Channel manager’ link.
As soon as you have done this, your channel is ready for use. Under <your_hub>/channel/<nickname>
you will find your channel ‘Stream’. Your most recent activities are displayed here in reverse chronological order.