Guest access

If you would like to share private content (i.e. content that is not accessible to the public) with people who do not have a Hubzilla account, you have the option of realising this using guest access.

With guest access, you create a (possibly temporary) access that enables the user who logs in with this data to access your publicly accessible content, but also non-public content that you specifically release for guest access.

If you call up the ‘Guest access’ app, a web form is displayed with which you can set up such guest access. You enter a login name of your choice. Hubzilla has already automatically generated a password for the guest access. You can now give these two pieces of information to the person you want to give access to content.

In the ‘Expires’ field, you can also enter an expiry date after which the guest access will be automatically deleted. If you leave this field empty, the guest access will be created without a time limit. It will then never expire automatically and may have to be deleted manually.

You can also define a contact role for the guest access.

All guest accounts are listed in the left-hand sidebar. If you select a guest account there, you can edit or delete it again (even before the deadline expires).

As soon as a guest account has been created, it also appears in the ‘Authorisation settings’ (privacy tool) under ‘User-defined selection’. You can use this to explicitly authorise individual private content for the guest account (but of course also for other contacts) so that the guest can access the content.